Academic knowledge mobilisation to promote cultural change towards openness in education
Published | May 2013 |
Periodical | Chapter 2, Pages 17-31 |
Publisher | Commonwealth of Learning, Athabasca University |
Editors | McGreal, Rory · Kinuthia, Wanjira · Marshall, Stewart |
Keywords | innovation · knowledge · open academic content |
Language | en |
ISBN | 978-1-894975-62-9 |
Refereed | Yes |
Rights | by-sa/2.0 |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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Meeting the challenges of higher education in India through open educational resources: policies, practices, and implications.
Thakran, Archana; Sharma, Ramesh C.
Over the past two decades, the education sector in India has undergone a substantial transformation. Recent advances in technology have provided access to high quality educational resources and information on the ...
Match: education
Open Education: Introduction to selected papers
Gil-Jaurena, Inés
This issue of Open Praxis compiles selected papers presented at the Open Education Consortium Global Conference, held in Cape Town (South Africa) on March 8-10, 2017. Additionaly, the Innovative Practice section ...
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Impact of OER in Teacher Education
Cummings-Clay, Denise
The purpose of this research study, which employed a quantitative research design, was to determine if there was a difference in the grades achieved by students who were enrolled in an entry-level Foundations of ...
Match: education
Open Educational Resources: Innovation, research and practice
Burgos Aguilar, José Vladimir; Cox, Glenda; Czerniewicz, Laura; D'Antoni, Susan; et al.
Open Educational Resources (OER) – that is, teaching, learning and research materials that their owners make free to others to use, revise and share – offer a powerful means of expanding the reach and effectiveness ...
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European education, training and youth forum: Report 2015
European Education, Training and Youth Forum
Key messages from the Forum
1 Summary of the sessions, panels and workshops
1.1 Opening session
1.2 Innovative ideas for education, training and youth
1.2.1 TED-like talks
1.2.2 Clare Ryan, TED-like talk on ...
Match: education
ICDE media release- December 10, 2014
International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE)
A press release relating the results from discussions at the ICDE - UNESCO Policy Forum in Bali, November 2014.
The "Promises" of online higher education: Profits
Campaign for the Future of Higher Education
With so much national focus on the “promises” of online higher education to expand access and to reduce costs, one truth about online higher education rarely mentioned is that it is big—Very Big—business. ...
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Online, Open, and Flexible Higher Education for the Future We Want: Discussion Paper
International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE)
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Incentivizing the production and use of Open Educational Resources in higher education institutions
Annand, David; Jensen, Tilly
Substituting open educational resources (OER) for commercially-produced textbooks results in demonstrable cost savings for students in most higher education institutions. Yet OER are still not widely used, and progress ...
Match: education
New Pathways to Learning: Leveraging the Use of OERs to Support Non-formal Education
Olcott Jr, Don
The growth of non-formal education is expanding teaching and learning pathways for the delivery of global education. This growth, in concert with the expanded use of Open Educational Resources (OERs), is creating a ...
Match: education