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National Repository of Open Education for all Educational Resources: Connecting knowledge connecting people
Anubhuti, Yadav

Alternate titleNational Repository of Open Educational resources
PublishedMay 2014
PeriodicalEdition 2012, Volume 2012
CountryIndia, Asia

The National Repository of Open Educational Resources (NROER) is an Indian school education initiative by the Central Institute of Educational technology ( CIET), National Council for Educational Research & Training ( NCERT) and Homi Bhaba Centre for Science Education. The project is funded by the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India and is geared to provide free and open educational resources in wide variety of forms. Initiating the process with the school education, the projects aims to bring under umbrella the resources relevant for teacher education in future. It is also hoped by the end of 2014 the content will also be available in other regional languages too. The Unique selling point of the repository is pedagogical organization of knowledge. Unlike other repositories where the content is being uploaded in variety of forms, the NROER’s focus is more on the pedagogical aspect of representation of knowledge. All the concepts in school education ranging from elementary education to higher and higher secondary education are organized in the form of concept maps which brings home the point that the entire knowledge is connected with each other. An interdisciplinary linkage which is the key concern of academicians is being resolved through this scheme of arrangement. It is also proposed to set up online courses, development of content in regional languages and to furnish the repository with the quality resources in the form other than already existing in the repository.

Keywords concept maps · Connecting knowledge · free and open resources · ICT · India · NROER · Open Educational Resources · School Education · teacher education

RefereedDoes not apply
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