APEC university associations cross-border education cooperation workshop discussion paper
Alternate title | Promoting regional education services integration: APEC university associations cross-border education cooperation workshop |
Published | May 2014 |
Type of work | Discussion Paper |
Periodical | Pages 1-57 |
Publisher | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Secretariat |
Region | Oceania |
This discussion paper was prepared to inform the APEC workshop on Promoting Regional Education Services Integration: APEC University Associations Cross-Border Education Cooperation held in Kuala Lumpur from 20–22 May 2014. The workshop brings together university associations to support, pursue and work towards the achievement of the priorities outlined by APEC Economic Leaders. This includes the recognition of best practice in cross-border education (CBE), the identification of existing barriers to CBE, and an examination of ways to progress the priority areas identified. The paper highlights the key considerations for APEC economies in strengthening collaboration around CBE in the university sector and builds on previous work undertaken within APEC and around the world. It focuses attention on four key areas of CBE: Student mobility; researcher mobility; provider mobility and mobility without movement. In each area there are a number of practical strategies to enhance CBE which can be considered during the workshop.Keywords | Student Mobility · CBE · cross-border education · MOOC · OER accreditation · researcher mobility |
Refereed | Does not apply |
Rights | by/3.0/au |
URL | http://research.acer.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1040&context=higher_education |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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