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MOOCs for Norway: New digital learning methods in higher education
Kjeldstad, Berit · Alvestrand, Harald · Elvestad, Endre Olsvik · Ingebretsen, Trond · Melve, Ingrid · Bongo, Mathis · Erstad, Ola · Krokan, Arne · Breivik, June · Gjerdrum, Eva · Landstad, Bergljot · The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research [corporate]

PublishedJune 2014
Type of workReport from the Commission appointed by Royal Decree on 21 June 2013. Submitted to The Ministry of Education and Research on 16
PeriodicalPages 1-110
PublisherNorwegian Ministry of Education and Research
CountryNorway, Europe

The report is divided into the following chapters:

Chap. 1: Introduction
Chap. 2: The Commission’s definition of MOOCs
Chap. 3: The Commission’s recommendations
Chap. 4: MOOCs in a social perspective
Chap. 5: From flexible education to MOOCs
Chap. 6: The emergence of MOOCs
Chap. 7: Participants in MOOCs
Chap. 8: Documentation of competence achieved
Chap. 9: MOOCs in Norwegian higher education
Chap. 10: Quality and learning outcomes
Chap. 11: How to offer MOOCs?
Chap. 12: Copyrights and open access
Chap. 13: Cooperation, specialisation and competition
Chap. 14: Skills needed in working life
Chap. 15: Accelerated education and open admis- sion to MOOCs
Chap. 16: The principle of free education and student fees
Chap. 17: Education support
Chap. 18: Economic and administrative consequences of the Commission’s recommendations
Appendix 1: Copyrights related to traditional education and to MOOCs
Appendix 2: Handling of copyrights and licensing of course materials in connection with MOOCs

Chapter 1 gives an account of the Commission’s mandate, the members of the Commission and the secretariat, the Commission’s work and the structure of the report. Chapter 2 describes the characteristics of MOOCs, as well as the Commission’s definition of the terms “MOOC” and “similar provisions”. Chapter 3 gives an overall presentation if the Commission's recommendations in the report.

In Chapter 4, the development of MOOCs is put in a wider social perspective, nationally and globally, emphasising how web-based courses such as MOOCs may contribute to a knowledge- based society and, in turn, growth and prosperity. Chapter 5 gives an account of the development of flexible education and technological infrastructure in higher education in Norway.

Chapters 6–8 describe various aspects of the emergence of MOOCs. In chapters 9 – 17, the Commission considers MOOCs against different topics, and gives recommendations on how Norwegian authorities, educational institutions and players in working life shall deal with the development and utilise the opportunities offered by the technological development. Chapter 18 gives an account of the economic and administrative consequences of the Commission’s recommendations.

Keywords flexible education · learning theories and MOOCs · MOOC · MOOC framework · MOOC for skill development · OER policy

RefereedDoes not apply
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