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Opening the doors to education
Ryan, Evan M.

PublishedOctober 2014
PeriodicalVolume 2014
PublisherDIPNOTE: U.S. Department of State Official Blog

Evan Ryan, the United States Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs posts on a meeting at the United Nations to discuss open Educational Resources.

Keywords open textbooks · U.S. Open Government National Action Plan · United Nations

Other numberOctober 16, 2014
RefereedDoes not apply
Access dateOctober 16, 2014
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Open Education: Introduction to selected papers
Gil-Jaurena, Inés
This issue of Open Praxis compiles selected papers presented at the Open Education Consortium Global Conference, held in Cape Town (South Africa) on March 8-10, 2017. Additionaly, the Innovative Practice section ...
Match: education

Meeting the challenges of higher education in India through open educational resources: policies, practices, and implications.
Thakran, Archana; Sharma, Ramesh C.
Over the past two decades, the education sector in India has undergone a substantial transformation. Recent advances in technology have provided access to high quality educational resources and information on the ...
Match: education

Colorado rises: Transforming education practices through Open Educational Resources
The Colorado Department of Higher Education
Key Findings Over the past year, CDHE and the OER Council have established a community of learning, practice and innovation. Key findings suggest a meaningful current impact and promising future. Most significantly: 1 ...
Match: education; open textbooks

European education, training and youth forum: Report 2015
European Education, Training and Youth Forum
Key messages from the Forum 1 Summary of the sessions, panels and workshops 1.1 Opening session 1.2 Innovative ideas for education, training and youth 1.2.1 TED-like talks 1.2.2 Clare Ryan, TED-like talk on ...
Match: education

Impact of OER in Teacher Education
Cummings-Clay, Denise
The purpose of this research study, which employed a quantitative research design, was to determine if there was a difference in the grades achieved by students who were enrolled in an entry-level Foundations of ...
Match: education

ICDE media release- December 10, 2014
International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE)
A press release relating the results from discussions at the ICDE - UNESCO Policy Forum in Bali, November 2014.

Will Open Source Software Become an Important Institutional Strategy at Higher Education?
Abel, Rob; Alliance for Higher Education
The purpose of this article is to provide an ‘estimate’ of where we are and what to track as higher education open source initiatives progress.
Match: education

Composing possibilities: Open education resources and K-12 music education
Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education
While the present-day music OER landscape is yet emerging, this study revealed several end-user markets. In particular, the study found that for music specialists and classroom teachers, OER can serve as an attractive ...
Match: education

MOOCs for Norway: New digital learning methods in higher education
Kjeldstad, Berit; Alvestrand, Harald; Elvestad, Endre Olsvik; Ingebretsen, Trond; et al.
The report is divided into the following chapters: Chap. 1: Introduction Chap. 2: The Commission’s definition of MOOCs Chap. 3: The Commission’s recommendations Chap. 4: MOOCs in a social perspective Chap. 5: ...
Match: education

Online, Open, and Flexible Higher Education for the Future We Want: Discussion Paper
International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE)
Match: education