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Current trends in institutional repositories for institutions offering Master's and Baccalaureate degrees
Xia, Jingfeng and Opperman, David B.

PublishedMarch 2010
JournalSerials Review
Volume 36, Issue 1, Pages 10 - 18

This article describes the current practices of institutional repositories at master's and baccalaureate institutions (M&BIs) in the United States. The focus includes repository content composition, operational style, development history, and accessibility. The research studies a group of institutional repositories through the analysis of their content elements. The article also discusses important management issues and identifies challenges. This research can provide a valuable resource to other libraries of similar type and size for the planning and implementation of new repositories, as well as assess the current environment of institutional repositories.

Keywords institutional repositories · liibrary publishing · open access · publishing models · scholarly communication

RightsCopyright © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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