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When the mummy is digital: preservation and dissemination
Minguillón Alfonso, Julià

PublishedSeptember 2010
PublisherUOC, OU, BYU
CountrySpain, Europe

Most educational institutions include nowadays a digital repository as part of their development and positioning strategy. The main goals of a digital repository are preservation and dissemination, which are some how contradictory, especially if the repository follows an open approach, as it is designed, built and managed from an institutional perspective, although it is intended to be used by teachers and learners. This fact may lead to a low level of usage, as final users are not able to integrate the learning object repository into their learning process. In this paper we will discuss how to promote open educational resources by connecting open repositories with open social networks, bridging the gap between resources and final users (teachers and learners).

Keywords OER promotion · repository · dissemination · e-learning · learning process · Open Educational Resources · preservation · social networks · virtual learning · web 2.0

Published atBarcelona
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