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Capturing and organizing prior student learning with the OCW backpack
Ouellette, Brian · Gitin, Elena · Prost, Justin · Smith, Peter

PublishedSeptember 2010
ConferenceUOC, OU, BYU

The purpose of this paper is to present an approach for students to have non-traditional learning assessed for credit and introduce a tool that facilitates this process. The OCW Backpack system can connect self-learners with KNEXT assessment services to obtain college credit for prior learning. An ex post facto study based on historical data collected over the past two years at Kaplan University (KU) is presented to validate the portfolio assessment process. Cumulative GPA was compared for students who received experiential credit for learning derived from personal or professional experience with a matched sample of students with no experiential learning credits. The study found that students who received experiential credits perform better than the matched sample students on GPA. The findings validate the KU portfolio assessment process. Additionally, the results support the capability of the OCW Backpack to capture the critical information necessary to evaluate non-traditional learning for university credit.

Keywords experiential learning · informal learning · OCW · Open Educational Resources · PLAR · portfolio

Published atBarcelona
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