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Educators and the Cape Town Open Learning Declaration: Rhetorically reducing distance
Wynsculley, Catherine and Deacon, Andrew

JournalInternational Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology
Volume 5, Issue 5, Pages 117-129
CountrySouth Africa, Africa

The Cape Town Open Education Declaration and other visionary documents seek to unify and challenge educators in the creation and use of open learning resources. We rhetorically analyse the Declaration which idealizes the educational process and contrast this with the practical challenges which affect the development and use of open educational resources. We draw on classical rhetoric and hermeneutics as analytical tools of such visionary documents that contain little factual information. Without an initial vision, an enabling environment, complete with policies and funding, means very little. We argue that analysing such vision documents is important part in persuading educators to take further steps towards creating, shaping and evolving their own educational practices.

Keywords Cape Town Open Education Declaration · Distanciation · hermeneutics · rhetoric

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