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Book Review: Open educational resources: Innovation, research and practice
Avello-Martínez, Raidell

Type of workBook review
JournalJournal of Technology Education
Edition Fall, Volume 26, Issue 1, Pages 102
CountryCuba, South America

The open access book, Open Educational Resources: Innovation, Research and Practice, is part of the Perspectives on Open and Distance Learningmonograph seriespublished by the UNESCO/Commonwealth of Learning (COL) Chair in Open Educational Resources. This book explores the open educational resources (OER) movement in detail, presenting the significant benefits, theory and practice, and achievements and challenges of OER for the educational community.

Keywords education · nonfiction · open educational resources: innovation research and practice · book review

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Innovative applications: Open Educational Resources and mobile resources repository for the instruction of educational researchers in Mexico
Mortera-Gutierrez, Fernando J.
The movement of Open Educational Resources (OER) is one of the most important trends that are helping education through the Internet worldwide. "Tecnológico de Monterrey" ( in Mexico, with ...
Match: innovation; South America

Internet in Brazilian public schools: Policies beyond politics
Sorj, Bernardo; Lissovsky, Mauricio; Marian and Arthur Edelstein Virtual Library
This Brazilian study focuses on the practices and opinions of teachers in order to map current patterns of Internet usage in the Rio de Janeiro school system. A key part of the study includes identifying obstacles and ...
Match: education; South America

OER use in the Global South: A baseline survey of higher education instructors
de Neto, José Dutra Oliveira; Pete, Judith; Cartmill, Tess; Cartmill, Daryono; et al.
The research presented here provides baseline data regarding the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) by higher education instructors in the Global South (South America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and South and Southeast ...
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LiveUSB Mediated Education (LUME)
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In this article the authors propose LiveUSB Mediated Education (LUME) as a term to describe the packaging of a complete set of course material together with the software necessary to access the material on a portable ...
Match: Cuba; South America

Final report on the MIRA project: OER global map prototype
Amiel, Tel; Ochoac, Xavier; Soares, Tiago
In this article we discuss the creation of a federated mapping system focused on OER for basic education in Latin America. We present the rationale and implications of the project, software development, and focus on ...
Match: Cuba; South America

Designing for innovation around OER
Lane, Andy
This paper argues that designing collections of ‘closed’ educational resources (content and technologies) for use by specific student cohorts and collections of open educational resources for use by any ...
Match: innovation

Why are universities fighting Open Education? A tired argument over software patents is holding up common-sense reforms
Harmon, Elliot
When you dig a bit deeper, it looks like universities’ opposition to open licensing has nothing to do with students’ access to educational resources. What’s really playing out is a longstanding fight over how ...
Match: innovation

Access to education with online learning and Open Educational Resources: Can they close the gap?
Geith, Christine; Vignare, Karen
One of the key concepts in the right to education is access: access to the means to fully develop as human beings as well as access to the means to gain skills, knowledge and credentials. This is an important ...
Match: innovation

Making a difference: Choose OER to lower costs and optimize learning
Vignare, Karen; Brosch, Sharon Biederman
The University of Maryland University College (UMUC) has initiated a process to match all course learning outcomes and competencies with open educational resources. UMUC is the largest non-profit public online ...
Match: innovation

Free, open educational content gaining ground in schools
Lestch, Corinne
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Match: innovation