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Intellectual asset management for universities
Intellectual Property Office [corporate]

PublishedJune 2014
PeriodicalPages 1-48
PublisherIntellectual Property Office
CountryUnited Kingdom

This guide helps Higher Education Institutions set strategies optimising the benefits from intellectual assets created by staff or students.

This guide aims to help senior university managers set strategies to make the most of the benefit from the intellectual assets created by their staff and students.

‘Intellectual assets’ is a broad term that varies in definition. In the context of this guide, ‘Intellectual assets’ extends beyond Intellectual Property (IP) rights to the know-how and trade secrets of the staff and students.

This guide will help individual institutions adopt their own strategic approach allowing them to use their IP to secure greatest benefit for the economy and society.

This guide is underpinned by the European Commission Code of Practice on management of IP in knowledge transfer.

Keywords higher education · intellectual property rights · Lambert tool-kit · OER policy · research

Published atLondon
Rights Open Government Licence v3.0
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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