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Through the open door: Open courses as research, learning, and engagement
Cormier, Dave and Siemens, George

PublishedJuly 2010
JournalEDUCAUSE Review
Volume 45, Issue 4, Pages 30-39
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The MOOC model for digital practice
McAuley, Alexander; Stewart, Bonnie; Siemens, George; Cormier, Dave
The MOOC Model for Digital Practice responds to the “Building Digital Skills for Tomorrow” section of the consultation paper Improving Canada’s Digital Advantage: Strategies for Sustain- able Prosperity by ...
Match: Cormier, Dave; Siemens, George

Community tracking in a cMOOC and nomadic learner behaviour identification on a connectivist rhizomatic learning network
Bozkurt, Aras; Honeychurch, Sarah; Caines, Autumm; Bali, Maha; et al.
This article contributes to the literature on connectivism, connectivist MOOCs (cMOOCs) and rhizomatic learning by examining participant interactions, community formation and nomadic learner behavior in a particular ...
Match: Cormier, Dave

What public media reveals about MOOCs: A systematic analysis of news reports
Kovanović, Vitomir; Joksimović, Srećko; Gašević, Dragan; Siemens, George; Hatala, Marek
One of the striking differences between massive open online courses (MOOCs) and previous innovations in the education technology field is the unprecedented interest and involvement of the general public. As MOOCs ...
Match: Siemens, George

Shared task on prediction of dropout over time in Massively Open Online Courses
Rosé, Carolyn P.; Siemens, George
The shared task on Prediction of Dropout Over Time in MOOCs involves analysis of data from 6 MOOCs offered through Coursera. Data from one MOOC with approximately 30K students was distributed as training data and ...
Match: Siemens, George

Where is research on massive open online courses headed? A data analysis of the MOOC Research Initiative
Gasevic, Dragan; Kovanovic, Vitomir; Joksimovic, Srecko; Siemens, George; et al.
This paper reports on the results of an analysis of the research proposals submitted to the MOOC Research Initiative (MRI) funded by the Gates Foundation and administered by Athabasca University. The goal of MRI was to ...
Match: Siemens, George

MOOCs in Europe: Overview of papers representing a collective European response on MOOCs as presented during the HOME conference in Rome November 2015
Bang, Joergen; Dalsgaard, Christian; Kjaer, Arne; O’Donovan, Maria; et al.
Table of contents Foreword Part 1: Regional MOOC initiatives Building OOC layers on top of existing courses (M)OOCs in Iceland: Language and learning communities EduOpen network in Italy Part 2: Role media ...
Match: Siemens, George

Massive Open Online Courses: Innovation in education?
Siemens, George; McGreal, Rory; Kinuthia, Wanjira; Marshall, Stewart
Match: Siemens, George

Open Educational Resources: Innovation, research and practice
Burgos Aguilar, José Vladimir; Cox, Glenda; Czerniewicz, Laura; D'Antoni, Susan; et al.
Open Educational Resources (OER) – that is, teaching, learning and research materials that their owners make free to others to use, revise and share – offer a powerful means of expanding the reach and effectiveness ...
Match: Siemens, George

What about the teacher? Open educational resources et al
Ferreira, Giselle
Resources (OERs), one with a colleague in my own institution who has a respectable track record in innovative uses of educational technologies, another with a freelance learning facilitator engaged in full-time ...
Match: engagement

Examining the relations among student motivation, engagement, and retention in a MOOC: A structural equation modeling approach
Xiong, Yao; Li, Hongli; Kornhaber, Mindy L.; Suen, Hoi K.; et al.
Students who are enrolled in MOOCs tend to have different motivational patterns than fee-paying college students. A majority of MOOC students demonstrate characteristics akin more to "tourists" than formal learners. As ...
Match: engagement