Ubiquitous technology for lifelong learners
Published | July 2015 |
Type of work | Doctoral thesis |
Periodical | Pages 1-280 |
Publisher | Welten Institute, Research Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology) |
Institution | Open Universiteit |
Region | Europe |
Nowadays, most people change their career throughout their lives, many times independently on what they learned during their formal education period. Therefore, the necessity to continually keep our skills sharp and up-to-date becomes increasingly important in a rapidly changing job market. The European Commission stressed the importance of lifelong learning as a key challenge for the knowledge society to adapt to the pace in which digital technology is transforming every aspect of people’s lives. Later on, the Commission published a reference framework comprising eight competences to flexibly adapt to a rapidly changing and highly interconnected world. In this thesis, we aim at supporting learners to understand the way they can better learn in-context using technology, therefore we focus on two specific competences, namely, learning to learn and digital competence.Published at | Heerlen, The Netherlands |
ISBN | 9789492231055 |
Refereed | Does not apply |
Rights | by-sa/4.0 |
URL | http://dspace.ou.nl/handle/1820/6050 |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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