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MOOC's barriers and enables
Gulatee, Yuwanuch · Nilsook, Prachyanun · the Department of Management and Information Technology, Nakhophanom University, Thailand [corporate] · the Department of Technological Education, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, 10800, Thailand [corporate]

PublishedOctober 2016
JournalInternational Journal of Information and Education Technology
Volume 6, Issue 10, Pages 826 - 830

MOOCs (massive open online course) become a very popular way of learning these days. People could access MOOCs from anywhere at any time with a fraction of the cost. In this study, we have examined both barriers and enables of MOOCs, our finding shows that despite the huge benefits of MOOCs, such as cost saving, access quality material from experienced instructor and flexible location and timing; it is still not a solution for all. The barriers such as information overload, lack of language support and the support from the instructor due to huge amount of participates has stopped many people join or finishes MOOCs courses

Keywords element of learning · learning design · MOOCs · MOOCs design

RightsCopyright © 2008-2016. International Journal of Information and Education Technology. All rights reserved
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