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An OER online course remixing experience
Mallinson, Brenda and Krull, Greig

PublishedSeptember 2015
JournalOpen Praxis
Volume 7, Issue 3, Pages 263-271

This paper describes the authors’ experience of remixing two existing OER courses to provide an OER course for a particular purpose and context. The developing country target environment is stated as well as the original resources’ provenance. The motivation for remixing these OER is explored, and the design of the adapted resource is described followed by notes on the implementation and evaluation of the remixed ‘Facilitating Online Learning’ pilot course. Lessons learned include that remixing existing OER courses with similar licenses is an achievable undertaking, and OER will be reused if they are deemed to be contextually relevant. It follows that the content, nature, and deployment environment of the OER is important as is its licensing for reuse. The practical illustration of a simple remix experience is significant, as there is little literature available on remixing OER. Sharing this experience is intended to encourage and inform other such remix projects.

Keywords capacity building · developing country · online course · Open Educational Resources · remix

Other number3
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