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MOOCs as a method of distance education in the Arab World – A review paper
Adham, Raniah Samir and Lundqvist, Karsten Oster

PublishedJune 2015
JournalEuropean Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning
Volume 18, Issue 1, Pages 123-139

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in the Arab World are still in their infancy. Many Arab countries are now starting to launch their MOOC platforms; however, there are only a few who have actually implemented such systems. This paper will explore online learning, in particular the rise of MOOCs around the world and their impact on the Arab World.

The purpose of this paper is to give a true picture of the development of the first MOOCplatforms in the Arab World. It will analyse in detail the concept, definitions, background, and types of MOOCs (xMOOCs and cMOOCs), as well as the main MOOCs platform in the Western and Arab worlds, and a timeline of the development of MOOCs. It will then observe the status of MOOCs in the developed world, opportunities in the Middle East, and the influence of Western MOOCs on the Arab world, from many perspectives, e.g. educational, religious, cultural and social.

Keywords aspects of MOOCs · background ·  · MOOC · online learning · the Arab world

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