Making sense of MOOCs: A guide for policy-makers in developing countries
Published | June 2016 |
Type of work | Guide |
Periodical | Pages 1-102 |
Publisher | Commonwealth of Learning (COL), UNESCO |
Country | Canada |
The Guide is designed to raise general awareness amongst policy makers in developing countries as to how Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) might address their concerns and priorities, particularly in terms of access to affordable quality higher education and preparation of secondary school leavers for academic as well as vocational education and training. With very few exceptions, many of the reports on MOOCs already published do not refer to the interest and experience of developing countries, although we are witnessing important initiatives in more and more countries around the world.Keywords | business models · government policy · MOOC · MOOC adaptation · MOOC policy · MOOC quality · MOOC reuse · OER policy · tool-kit |
Published at | Burnaby |
Refereed | Does not apply |
Rights | by-sa/3.0/igo |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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MOOCs for development: The COL experience
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