Analysis of the contextual factors for developing national OER policy
Published | May 2010 |
Type of work | slides |
Periodical | Pages 1-15 |
Publisher | OpenCourseWare Consortium |
Region | Asia |
Keywords | government policy · KERIS · national policy · OER policy · policy framework |
Language | en |
Rights | © 2013 SlideShare Inc. All rights reserved |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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Making sense of MOOCs: A guide for policy-makers in developing countries
Patru, Mariana; Balaji, Venkataraman
The Guide is designed to raise general awareness amongst policy makers in developing countries as to how Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) might address their concerns and priorities, particularly in terms of access ...
Match: developing; government policy; oer policy
If content is king, why are OER still uncrowned? A developing world perspective’
Kanwar, Asha; Kodhandaraman, Balasubramanian; Umar, Abdurrahman
This presentation seeks to critically examine the experiences of the Commonwealth of Learning in the creation and dissemination of OER and to share the lessons learned. What are some of the key components of ...
Match: developing; oer policy
A policy brief on MOOCs
Porter, David; Beale, Russell; Daniel, John; McGreal, Rory; Prabhakar, T V
A MOOC (massive open online course) is an online course that normally requires no prior qualifications for entry, can be accessed by anyone who has an Internet connection, and includes large or very large numbers of ...
Match: government policy; national policy
Role and importance of institutional OER policy
Mays, Tony
This presentation was given by Tony Mays at the Open University of Tanzania in 2016.
Match: government policy; oer policy; policy framework
Positioning extension Massive Open Online Courses (xMOOCs) within the open access and the lifelong learning agendas in a developing setting
Nkuyubwatsi, Bernard
Recent reports on xMOOCs indicated that underprivileged learners in need for higher education have minimally been reached by these courses. While the open access agenda is needed to reach such learners, most MOOCs were ...
Match: developing
Forum on the impact of open courseware for higher education in developing countries
In a unprecedented move, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) last year announced that it will put online the substance of nearly all its courses during the coming few years. As the number of academic courses ...
Match: developing; oer policy
New technologies for teaching and learning: Challenges for higher learning institutions in developing countries
The application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is already changing the organization and delivery of higher education. The pedagogical and socio-economic forces that have driven the higher learning ...
Match: developing
OER: A developing world perspective
Kanwar, Asha
Harvard University Extension, Vancouver, Canada, April 7, 2011, Presented via teleconference, "OER: A Developing World Perspective" Prof. Asha Kanwar, Commonwealth of Learning
Match: developing
Open educational resources for blended learning in high schools: Overcoming impediments in developing countries
Larson, Richard C.; Murray, Elizabeth M.
With today’s computer and telecommunications technologies, every young person can have a quality education regardless of his or her place of birth. This is the dream that Open Educational Resources (OERs), when viewed ...
Match: developing
Open Educational Resources and the evolving value chain of education in developing countries
Mora, Monica; Hassin, Kamal; Pullin, Andrew; Muegge, Steven
Open educational resources (OER), in combination with emerging information and communication technologies (ICT), may enable opportunities for education in regions of the world where few opportunities exist today. There ...
Match: developing