Challenges of collaborative knowledge creation: Work with shared objects
Published | July 2014 |
Series | Advancing Technology Enhanced Learning Chapter 7, Pages 104-114 |
Publisher | Reusing Open Resources Learning in Open Networks for Work, Life and Education, Routledge |
Editors | Pegler, Chris and Littlejohn, Allison |
ISSN | Print ISBN: 9780415838689 eBook ISBN: 9780203780190 |
Refereed | Yes |
Rights | © 2015 – Routledge |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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The potential of Open Educational Resources
Wilson-Strydom, Merridy; OER Africa
The Potential of Open Educational Resources Concept Paper Prepared by OER Africa
This study commences with a brief overview of the historical context in which current higher education systems in Sub-Saharan Africa have ...
Match: challenges
The suitability of OER in Open Distance Learning
Makoe, Mpine
Paper presented at Library Open Scholarship Seminar, Unisa, Pretoria on 20 October 2010
18 slides
Match: challenges
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in Sub-Saharan African Higher Education Landscape: A Bibliometric Review
Yunusa, Abdullahi Abubakar; Umar, Irfan Naufal; Bervell, Brandford; Cvetković, Dragan Mladen
In this study, we examined articles focused on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) implemented in the sub-Saharan African (SSA) Higher Education context that describes the different models of MOOCs enacted as an ...
Match: challenges
Open Education, open educational practice and the concept of openness: Issues and challenges
Gaskell, Anne
Match: challenges
Open Educational Resources in e-Learning
Dinevski, Dejan; Fošnarič, Samo; Arh, Tanja
Open educational resources in e-learning are the future source of information for lifelong learners. Open source and open standards are defined as the basis of the "Open educational resource movement" that is beginning ...
Match: challenges
OpenSpires : Opening up Oxford like never before
Highton, Melissa; Robinson, Peter
Oxford University learning technologies group offer a model for effective practice in creating and using OER in research-led teaching environments where academic practice includes dissemination of research which ...
Match: challenges
The model
Shoop, Jennifer; Oblinger, Diana. G. is an open-access online-learning platform that provides self-paced college-level courseware to the public free of charge. The site is funded and maintained by The Saylor Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit ...
Match: challenges
Open Educational Resources: Reviewing initiatives and issues
D'Antoni, Susan
This is an introduction to the special issue on OERs. It provides information on the provenance of the term, history of OERs, rational for use and some barriers, and UNESCO initiative
Match: challenges
Building a community for developing OERs
Botes, Corne; Ferreira, Frances
The transition to lower secondary education is now at the centre of the Education for All agenda in many countries. As more children are progressing through primary school the demand for secondary school places is ...
Match: challenges
Sharing and reuse in OER: Experiences gained from open reusable learning objects in health
Windle, Richard J.; Wharrad, Heather; McCormick, Damion; Laverty, Helen; Taylor, Michael G.
The open educational resource (OER) movement has the potential to have a truly transformative effect on higher education, but in order to do so it must move into the mainstream and facilitate widespread participation in ...
Match: challenges