I search therefore I learn - Active and collaborative learning in language teaching: Two case studies
Published | March 2012 |
Series | Collaborative Learning 2.0: Open Educational Resources Chapter 6, Pages 103-125 |
Publisher | IGI Global |
Editors | Scott, Peter J. · Connolly, Teresa · Okada, Alexandra |
In Content and Language Integrated Learning the context is to explicitly teach a subject through a foreign or second language, and therefore, implicitly to teach the language through this subject. Adding the activity of collaborative search is part of constructing the context, and hence making language learning real. With these goals in mind, collaborative and active learning is supported by the LearnWeb2.0 infrastructure, which helps students in collaborative searching and organization of resources. In LearnWeb2.0, searching is focused on a specific subject providing materials from Web 2.0 platforms; ratings and comments are directly linked to the resources and shared within the learning group. The authors present two CLIL courses, one in Germany and one in Italy, for which LearnWeb2.0 was used. For both courses, the authors present the tasks they designed to foster students’ active and creative learning, and discuss how these tasks were supported by our infrastructure. They present the evaluation design and results for both courses. Based on this, they discuss commonalities and differences in both scenarios, from the educational and cultural point of view, and how these influence students’ performance and satisfaction. Finally, the authors discuss lessons learned and ideas for improving educational setup and functionalities for future LearnWeb2.0 based courses.Keywords | web 2.0 · LearnWeb2.0 · language learning · case study |
ISBN | ISBN13: 9781466603004, ISBN10: 1466603003, EISBN13: 9781466603011 |
DOI | 10.4018/978-1-4666-0300-4.ch006 |
URL | http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/search-therefore-learn-active-collaborative/64402 |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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