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Digital storytelling with web 2.0 tools for collaborative learning
Smeda, Najat · Dakich, Eva · Sharda, Nalin

PublishedMarch 2012
SeriesCollaborative Learning 2.0: Open Educational Resources
Chapter 8, Pages 145-163
PublisherIGI Global
EditorsConnolly, Teresa · Okada, Alexandra · Scott, Peter J.

The purpose of this chapter is to present the vision of a framework for developing Web 2.0 tools for collaborative learning using digital storytelling as the underlying pedagogical model. Storytelling can be used as a pedagogical tool to enhance learning outcomes across the curriculum, and digital storytelling is its new manifestation, as it can be used to enhance collaboration and creativity when learning in the classroom. A number of story development models have been created in recent years to help educators achieve better outcomes with digital storytelling. This chapter shows how, by creating an innovative e-Learning system based on Web 2.0 tools, a constructivist learning environment for knowledge remixing, sharing, and reusing through digital storytelling is also created.

Keywords digital storytelling · web 2.0

ISBNISBN13: 9781466603004, ISBN10: 1466603003, EISBN13: 9781466603011
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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