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Open educational practices in a lesser-taught language community
Tiedau, Ulrich

PublishedJanuary 2013
Type of workFocus on: Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP)
JournalJournal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society
Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 47-57

This article investigates how Open Educational Resources (OER) and Practices (OEP) can support a ‘strategically important and vulnerable subject’ (SIVS) in the UK, in this case a less-widely taught modern foreign language, namely Dutch Studies. It details the experiences of VirtualDutch, an inter-institutional subject community involving all four Dutch departments or sections of Schools of Modern Languages in the UK, that aims to create and share Open Educational Resources and to develop and engage in web-supported forms of inter-institutional collaboration in teaching and learning. After an overview of the VirtualDutch experiences, in particular those in the pilot project in phase 1 of the Joint Information System Committee’s Open Educational Resources Programme (2009/10), the importance of forming communities of both practice and learning around OER for language teaching is highlighted, something particularly, but not exclusively, relevant for less-widely taught subjects like Dutch.

Keywords community of practice · Dutch · less-widely taught languages · open educational practice · Open Educational Resources · strategically important and vulnerable subjects (SIVS) · UKOER

Other number1
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