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A group investigation learning system for open educational resources to enhance student teachers’ digital literacy and awareness in information ethics
Jongsermtrakoon, S. · Nasongkhla, J. · Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330 Thailand [corporate]

JournalInternational Journal of Information and Education Technology
Volume 5, Issue 10, Pages 783 - 788

Open Educational Resources (OER) are contents, courses and digital educational materials under open licenses, which has increased opportunities for people who are in needs to reuse learning materials. Universal resources can made a negative effect of unaware usage without truly comprehend ethics by users who don’t precautious on the use of those digital media via appropriated strategies. Accordingly, OER sites should cover investigative learning system that help to evaluate resources for proper use. The system should be focused on searching and evaluation a large amount of resources to enhance digital literacy, which means ability to use digital materials included skills of define, access, evaluate, manage, integrate, create and communicate. Thus, this research is aimed to develop the system using group investigation technique in utilizing OER for student teachers’ digital literacy and awareness of information ethics. The study is also discussed about behavior of reuse, redistribute, revise or remix of OER.

Keywords digital literacy · group investigation · information ethics · OER · Open Educational Resources

RightsCopyright © 2008-2016. International Journal of Information and Education Technology. All rights reserved.
Other informationIJIET
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