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What is open pedagogy?
Wiley, David

PublishedOctober 2013
Type of workblog post
PeriodicalEdition October 21, 2013, Volume 2016
Publisheriterating toward openness

Other number2016-10-27
RefereedDoes not apply
Access date2016-10-27
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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The open education handbook 2014
Farrow, Rob; Open Knowledge
"Open Education" is a topic which has become increasingly popular in a variety of contexts. This handbook has been written to provide a useful point of reference for readers with a range of different roles and interests ...
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Toward an Open Empowered Learning Model of pedagogy in higher education
Bossu, Carina; Smyth, R.; Stagg, A.; Reushle, S.; et al.
This chapter will explore some of the emerging trends in higher education worldwide brought by opening up education, including Open Educational Resources (OER), Open Educational Practices (OEP) and Massive Open Online ...
Match: pedagogy; open; open pedagogy

Defining OER-enabled pedagogy
Wiley, David; Hilton III, John
The term “open pedagogy” has been used in a variety of different ways over the past several decades. In recent years, its use has also become associated with Open Educational Resources (OER). The wide range of ...
Match: wiley, david; pedagogy; open pedagogy

The ascent of Open Access
Hook, Daniel W.; Hahnel, Mark; Calvert, Ian
This report is an analysis of the Open Access landscape since the turn of the millennium. It compares the leading countries for research outputs with those producing the most Open Access papers over a 16-year period, as ...
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Towards a competitive and sustainable OA market in Europe – A study of the open access market and policy environment
Johnson, Rob; Fosci, Mattia; Chiarelli, Andrea; Pinfield, Stephen; Jubb, Michael
This study considers the economic factors contributing to the current state of the open-access publishing market, and evaluates the potential for European policymakers to enhance market competition and sustainability in ...
Match: open

Open educational practices at Uttarakhand Open University: From policies to implementation
Pande, Jeetendra
Soon after the emergence of the open courseware movement, in 2002 UNESCO coined the term Open Educational Resources (OERs) in a forum on the impact of open courseware on higher education in developing countries. Since ...
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Fifty shades of open
Pomerantz, Jeffrey; Peek, Robin
Open source. Open access. Open society. Open knowledge. Open government. Even open food. The word “open” has been applied to a wide variety of words to create new terms, some of which make sense, and some not so ...
Match: open

Open education
Pisutova, K.
Introduction to some concepts of openness in education. This presentation addresses concepts of Open Licensing (Creative Commons licenses), Open Content, Open Coursewere, Open Educational Resources, and Open Teaching ...
Match: open

Student perceptions of open pedagogy: An exploratory study
Hilton III, John; Wiley, David; Chaffee, Reta; Darrow, Jennifer; et al.
With the increasing development and adoption of Open Educational Resources, many researchers and practitioners are interested in more carefully examining pedagogies connected with their use. This study describes the ...
Match: wiley, david; pedagogy; open; open pedagogy

Open: The philosophy and practices that are revolutionizing education and science
Jhangiani, Rajiv; Biswas-Diener, Robert; Kwantlen Polytechnic University, CA; Noba Project
Affordable education. Transparent science. Accessible scholarship. These ideals are slowly becoming a reality thanks to the open education, open science, and open access movements. Running separate—if ...
Match: open; open pedagogy