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Leading campus OER initiatives through library–faculty collaboration
Goodsett, Mandi · Loomis, Barbara · Miles, Marsha

PublishedJuly 2016
JournalCollege & Undergraduate Libraries
Volume 23, Issue 3, Pages 335 - 342

With the rising costs of tuition and textbooks, Open Educational Resources (OERs) are becoming increasingly important. The university library, in collaboration with faculty, is a natural leader of OER initiatives at institutions of higher education. Cleveland State University's Michael Schwartz Library embraced this leadership role by assisting a faculty member with developing an OER, which involved balancing the workload between librarians and the faculty member, determining successful modes of communication, taking advantage of graphic design skills, and more. The success of this initial collaboration has led the Library to expand its support of OER initiatives on campus.

Keywords collaboration · faculty collaboration · institutional repository · liaison librarian · open access · Open Educational Resources

RightsCopyright © 2016 Informa UK Limited
Other informationCollege & Undergraduate Libraries
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