Languages Open Resources Online (LORO): Fostering a culture of collaboration and sharing
Published | March 2011 |
Journal | The Eurocall Review Volume 18 |
Publisher | European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning |
Region | Europe |
As the last ten years have seen the advent of the Open Educational Resources (OER) movement, large numbers of digital content are now available for learners and teachers to use and reuse. Engaging with OER compels educators to address issues of sharing, quality, ownership, and changing professional practices. In this report, we describe the experience of setting up LORO, a repository of languages OER, especially in relation to teachers' perceptions of barriers and enablers to successful engagement with open content.Keywords | re-use · sharing · user engagement · culture change · repositories · Open Educational Resources |
Language | eng |
ISSN | 1695-2618 |
Refereed | Yes |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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The Open Translation MOOC: Creating online communities to transcend linguistic barriers
Beaven, Tita; Comas-Quinn, Anna; Hauck, Mirjam; de los Arcos, Beatriz; Lewis, Timothy
One of the main barriers to the reuse of Open Educational Resources (OER) is language (OLnet, 2009). OER may be available but in a language that users cannot access, so a preliminary step to reuse is their translation ...
Match: comas-quinn, anna; de los arcos, beatriz
MOOCs: Striking the right balance between facilitation and self-determination
Beaven, Tita; Hauck, Mirjam; Comas-Quinn, Anna; Lewis, Tim; de los Arcos, Beatriz
Recent research suggests that a growing proportion of formal learning occurs outside formal educational settings, where information and learning opportunities are mediated by technology. The rise of massive open online ...
Match: comas-quinn, anna; de los arcos, beatriz
Leading campus OER initiatives through library–faculty collaboration
Goodsett, Mandi; Loomis, Barbara; Miles, Marsha
With the rising costs of tuition and textbooks, Open Educational Resources (OERs) are becoming increasingly important. The university library, in collaboration with faculty, is a natural leader of OER initiatives at ...
Match: collaboration; open educational resources
ORIOLE, in the search for evidence of OER in teaching. Experiences in the use, re-use and the sharing and Influence of repositories
Santos-Hermosa, Gema
The study presented here aims to gather useful information on the use, re-reuse and sharing of resources in Education and also the influence of repositories, to better understand the perspective of individual ...
Match: re-use; sharing; repositories; open educational resources
Performing Languages: an example of integrating open practices in staff development for language teachers
Alvarez, Inma; Beaven, Tita; Comas-Quinn, Anna
In 2009 the Department of Languages at The Open University, UK, developed LORO (, a repository of Open Educational Resources for language teaching and learning aimed at language teaching ...
Match: comas-quinn, anna; languages
OER Research Hub data 2013-2015: Educators
de los Arcos, Beatriz; Farrow, Rob; Pitt, R.; Perryman, L -A.; et al.
The OER Research Hub was a three year project funded by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and based in the Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University in the UK. The OER movement had just passed ...
Match: de los arcos, beatriz
Women’s empowerment through openness: OER, OEP and the Sustainable Development Goals
Perryman, L -A.; de los Arcos, Beatriz
This paper explores the potential of open educational resources (OER) and open educational practices (OEP) in helping achieve women’s empowerment in the developing world. Our evidence comprises the Open Education ...
Match: de los arcos, beatriz; open educational resources
Sharing resources in open educational communities
Tosato, Paolo; Arranz, Beatriz Carramolino; Avi, Bartolome Rubia
The spread of Internet and the latest Web developments have facilitated the connection between teachers, learners and institutions, as well as the creation and sharing of new open educational resources (OERs). Despite ...
Match: collaboration; sharing; open educational resources
Enhance teaching and learning of less used languages through OER/OEP: Working Policy Paper: OER-Challenges and opportunities for less used languages. A global and European perspective
Udnaes, Monique; International Council for Open and Distance Education
In order to formulate policy recommendations for the uptake of Open Educational Resources (OER) in less used languages (LUL) targeting governments and senior policy makers in the educational sector, ICDE first ...
Match: languages
Inclusion in, and exclusion from, open education communities
Lane, Andy; Comas-Quinn, Anna; Thompson, Simon
This special issue is the fifth devoted to Open Educational Resources (OER) and the fourth to be drawn from papers presented at the annual UK-based OER conference. For this special issue, the editors selected papers ...
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