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Understanding Open Educational Resources
Butcher, Neil and Moore, Andrew

PublishedAugust 2015
PeriodicalPages 1-54
PublisherCommonwealth of Learning
EditorMishra, Sanjaya

The fact that you are reading this lesson suggests that you have heard of open educational resources (OER). Currently, there is a lot of buzz about OER. Some see them as totally revolutionising how we bring learning materials into our education system and use them, while others see OER from a more pragmatic perspective. Before we start looking at OER, including their origin, benefits and challenges, it is important to consider the problems that we are facing today in education. While these problems range, in different countries, from lack of access to poor quality, there is a common thread in most: low availability of good-quality educational materials. Although learning materials are available, the cost of access in many locations is very high and increases each year. For example, the cost of college textbooks in the United States increased 82 per cent between 2002 and 2013— three times the rate of inflation.1 According to the College Board, in the 2014–15 academic year, students in the USA spent about USD 1200 each on textbooks.2 Another study indicated that 65 per cent of U.S. students do not buy textbooks due to prohibitive costs, despite being concerned about grades.3 Is this not alarming? While there are many other reasons to support OER, the cost issue is a primary factor in their growing popularity amongst students and teachers.

Keywords Open Educational Resources · open licensing · teacher education

Published atBurnaby, British Columbia
RefereedDoes not apply
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Harnessing OER to drive systemic educational change in secondary schooling
Butcher, Neil; Hoosen, Sarah; Moore, Andrew
This paper reports on two action research projects which explored the challenge of determining the conditions under which use of OER can drive a transformative educational agenda in schooling systems. At St Peter’s ...
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Understanding the impact of OER: Achievements and challenges
Hoosen, Sarah; Butcher, Neil; Knyazeva, Svetlana
The publication “Understanding the Impact of OER: Achievements and Challenges” is the result of partnership between the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE) and OER Africa, an ...
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AgShare: Building community and content with multiple partners
Geith, Christine; Butcher, Neil; Vignare, Karen; Yergler, Nathan R.; Alluri, Krishna
Michigan State University and OER Africa are creating a win-win collaboration of existing organizations for African publishing, localizing, and sharing of teaching and learning materials that fill critical resource gaps ...
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A social justice framework for understanding Open Educational Resources and practices in the Global South
Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Trotter, Henry
At the heart of the open educational resources (OER) movement is the intention to provide affordable access to culturally relevant education to all. This imperative could be described as a desire to provide education in ...
Match: understanding; open educational resources

Understanding reusability as a key factor for Open Education: A review
Chiappe, Andres; Arias, Vivian; McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
This article describes both the process and the results of an extensive literature review on reusability as one of the key factors for the creation of open content in the context of open and distance learning. ...
Match: understanding; open educational resources

Breaking Barriers: Understanding and Removing Barriers to OER Use
Carson, Brandon
While there are many benefits to the use of OER, such as cost savings for students, increased access to resources, and the ability for faculty to adapt the resources to meet their specific needs, new and experienced ...
Match: understanding; open educational resources

A deeper understanding of reuse: Learning designs, activities, resources and their contexts
Wills, Sandra; Pegler, Chris
This paper positions discussion of learning designs in the broad context of reuse and repurpose. It proposes that not enough attention has been given to the purpose of reuse and the motivation of those who choose to ...
Match: understanding; open educational resources

User-oriented quality for OER: understanding teachers' views on re-use, quality, and trust
Clements, K I.; Pawlowski, J M.
We analysed how teachers as users of open educational resources (OER) repositories act in the re-use process and how they perceive quality. Based on a quantitative empirical study, we also surveyed which quality ...
Match: understanding; open educational resources

Open educational resources and change in higher education: Reflections from practice
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In the last decade in particular, the promotion, sharing and use of open educational resources (OER) have been growing exponentially. However, as with any new phenomenon or paradigm, our knowledge of OER’s ...
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Exploring the business case for open educational resources
Butcher, Neil; Hoosen, Sarah
Table of Contents: 1 The Context of OER 1.1 Global Trends and Challenges in Education 1.2 The OER Value Proposition 2 The Economics of OER 2.1 Introduction 2.2 OER and Course Design The value of ...
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