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Expanding approaches for understanding impact: integrating technology, curriculum, and open educational resources in science education.
Ye, Lei · Recker, Mimi · Walker, Andrew · Leary, Heather · Yuan, Min

JournalEducational Technology Research & Development
Volume 63, Pages 355-380
PublisherAssociation for Educational Communications and Technology

This article reports results from a scale-up study of the impact of a software tool designed to support teachers in the digital learning era. This tool, the Curriculum Customization Service (CCS), enables teachers to access open educational resources from multiple providers, customize them for classroom instruction, and share them with other teachers. The study involved 73 Earth science teachers and their students in five U.S. school districts, and examined impacts of CCS deployment on teachers' attitudes and practices-as well as their students' learning gains-over the course of one school year. Results are reported in two parts: the impact study included all teachers, while the active user study examined the usage patterns of teachers who actively used the CCS following the use-diffusion framework. Results from the two studies revealed complementary results. Teachers in the impact study reported significant increases in their awareness of other Earth science teachers' practices and i

Keywords customizing instruction · educational resources · learning · Open Educational Resources · science education – research · software development equipment · student learning · teacher practice · teachers · technology usage

RightsCopyright Association for Educational Communications and Technology 2015
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Crowdteaching: Supporting teaching as designing in collective intelligence communities
Recker, Mimi; Yuan, Min; Ye, Lei; McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
The widespread availability of high-quality Web-based content offers new potential for supporting teachers as designers of curricula and classroom activities. When coupled with a participatory Web culture and ...
Match: ye, lei; recker, mimi; yuan, min

Not all rubrics are equal: A review of rubrics for evaluating the quality of Open Educational Resources
Yuan, Min; Recker, Mimi; McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
The rapid growth in Internet technologies has led to a proliferation in the number of Open Educational Resources (OER), making the evaluation of OER quality a pressing need. In response, a number of rubrics have been ...
Match: recker, mimi; yuan, min; open educational resources

User-oriented quality for OER: understanding teachers' views on re-use, quality, and trust
Clements, K I.; Pawlowski, J M.
We analysed how teachers as users of open educational resources (OER) repositories act in the re-use process and how they perceive quality. Based on a quantitative empirical study, we also surveyed which quality ...
Match: understanding; open educational resources; teachers

A social justice framework for understanding Open Educational Resources and practices in the Global South
Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Trotter, Henry
At the heart of the open educational resources (OER) movement is the intention to provide affordable access to culturally relevant education to all. This imperative could be described as a desire to provide education in ...
Match: understanding; open educational resources

A deeper understanding of reuse: Learning designs, activities, resources and their contexts
Wills, Sandra; Pegler, Chris
This paper positions discussion of learning designs in the broad context of reuse and repurpose. It proposes that not enough attention has been given to the purpose of reuse and the motivation of those who choose to ...
Match: understanding; open educational resources

Understanding Open Educational Resources
Butcher, Neil; Moore, Andrew; Mishra, Sanjaya
The fact that you are reading this lesson suggests that you have heard of open educational resources (OER). Currently, there is a lot of buzz about OER. Some see them as totally revolutionising how we bring learning ...
Match: understanding; open educational resources

Understanding the impact of OER: Achievements and challenges
Hoosen, Sarah; Butcher, Neil; Knyazeva, Svetlana
The publication “Understanding the Impact of OER: Achievements and Challenges” is the result of partnership between the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE) and OER Africa, an ...
Match: understanding; open educational resources

A practice-oriented review of learning objects
Sinclair, Jane; Joy, Mike; Yin-Kim Yau, Jane; Hagan, Stephen
Reusable learning objects support packaging of educational materials allowing their discovery and reuse. Open educational resources emphasize the need for open licensing and promote sharing and community involvement. ...
Match: learning; open educational resources

Understanding reusability as a key factor for Open Education: A review
Chiappe, Andres; Arias, Vivian; McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
This article describes both the process and the results of an extensive literature review on reusability as one of the key factors for the creation of open content in the context of open and distance learning. ...
Match: understanding; open educational resources

Breaking Barriers: Understanding and Removing Barriers to OER Use
Carson, Brandon
While there are many benefits to the use of OER, such as cost savings for students, increased access to resources, and the ability for faculty to adapt the resources to meet their specific needs, new and experienced ...
Match: understanding; open educational resources