MOOCs: A viable business model?
Published | August 2016 |
Series | Lecture Notes in Educational Technology Chapter 13, Pages 241–259 |
Publisher | Open education: From OERs to MOOCs, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg |
Editors | Jemni, Mohamed · Kinshuk · Khribi, Mohamed Koutheair |
MOOCs are complex and expensive objects, which, contrary to ordinary courses, require a full team, to be created. There is a large gap between building and delivering a few MOOCs and systematically transforming a conventional teaching into MOOCs. Being expensive any long-term project, based on MOOCs, cannot be launched without a business model. This is the theme of this chapter. We will first estimate the cost of a MOOC and explain why most universities do have neither the finances nor the manpower to systematically transform their teaching and massively create MOOCs. No business model can be fund without new means of financing: cooperation among universities, donators, special funding… We will explain the complementary roles of MOOCs providers and of MOOCs creators and explain why they do not have other choice than to work together and find complementary business models. In a last part we will show, through some examples, emerging business models for both the providers and the creators. The future of MOOCs and online learning is closely linked to the consolidation of these business models.Keywords | business model · e-learning · MOOC · online course · SPOC |
ISBN | Hardcover 978-3-662-52923-2 |
ISSN | eBook 978-3-662-52925-6 |
Refereed | Yes |
Rights | © 2016 Springer International Publishing AG |
DOI | 10.1007/978-3-662-52925-6_13 |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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