How OER enhances MOOCs- A perspective from German-speaking Europe
Ebner, Martin · Lorenz, Anja · Lackner, Elke · Kopp, Michael · Kumar, Swapna · Schön, Sandra · Wittke, Andreas
Published | August 2016 |
Series | Lecture Notes in Educational Technology Edition 1, Chapter 11, Pages 205–220 |
Publisher | Open education: From OERs to MOOCs, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg |
Editors | Jemni, Mohamed · Kinshuk · Khribi, Mohamed Koutheair |
Country | Germany, Europe |
In this chapter, we discuss why open educational resources (OER) and MOOCs are a necessary and powerful combination, especially in German-speaking Europe. We begin with an introduction to open online courses and an overview of copyright law in Germany and Austria. We then describe the evolution of OER MOOCs in Austria and Germany, especially the development of two MOOC platforms. Finally, we present examples of the impact of OER on MOOCs to conclude that an approach combining OER and MOOCs can be very valuable to foster new and innovative didactical approaches as well as future education.ISBN | Hardcover 978-3-662-52923-2 |
ISSN | eBook 978-3-662-52925-6 |
Refereed | Yes |
Rights | © 2016 Springer International Publishing AG |
DOI | 10.1007/978-3-662-52925-6_11 |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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