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Towards fostering quality in open online education through OER and MOOC practices
Ossiannilsson, Ebba · Altınay, Zehra · Altınay, Fahriye

PublishedAugust 2016
SeriesLecture Notes in Educational Technology
Edition 1, Chapter 10, Pages 189–204
PublisherOpen education: From OERs to MOOCs, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

This book chapter offers institutions a roadmap for establishing policies about the quality of open online education. The chapter also describes how institutions can enhance and assure quality through open education resources (OER) and massive open online course (MOOC) practices. Quality plays an essential role in innovation and drives changes in higher educational practices. The quality assessment of open online practices requires evaluation methods that are used to examine the potential for achieving quality. The increased digitization of openness and access has led practitioners of higher education to question the fundamental aspects of quality. This chapter discusses the quality of OER and MOOC practices and presents ways that both institutions and professionals can enhance their usability. In pedagogical enhancement, the use of media, increased personalization, open and shared content, participation, reflection, and social learning are the main measures used to assess the quality of MOOCs. Because the effects of international cooperation on higher education are important, the practice of OERs and MOOCs is strategic for the institutional management of internationalization as well as the mobility of students and academic staff. Student satisfaction and services for the participants—the learners—in higher education are essential. Therefore, OERs and MOOCs present strategic opportunities to ensure the quality of open online education.

Keywords change · innovation · MOOC · OER quality

ISBNHardcover 978-3-662-52923-2
ISSNeBook 978-3-662-52925-6
Rights© 2016 Springer International Publishing AG
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