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OpenCases: Case studies on openness in education
Souto-Otero, Manuel · dos Santos, Andreia Inamorato · Shields, Robin · Lažetić, Predrag · Muñoz, Jonatan Castaño · Devaux, Axelle · StephaniOberheidt · Punie, Yves

PublishedJune 2016
Type of workEUR - Scientific and Technical Research Reports
PeriodicalPages 1-124
PublisherPublications Office of the European Union

OpenCases is a study which is part of the OpenEdu Project. It is a qualitative study consisting of a review of literature on open education and nine in-depth case studies of higher education institutions, a consortium of universities, a private organisation and a national initiative. It analysed the rationale and enabling conditions for involvement in open education, open education activities, strategies, impact, challenges and prospects. The main outcome of the study is evidence that a large number of OERs have reached many learners. However, completion rates for MOOCs are low. Accreditation is not formalised and in general their effect on employability is not measured.

Keywords Academic policy · case studies · education · governmental policy · higher education · ICT · MOOCs · OER policy · open education · open research · open teaching · SPOCs

RefereedDoes not apply
Rights© European Union, 1995-2017 Reuse is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged. The Commission's reuse policy is implemented by the Decision of 12 December 2011 - reuse of Commission documents [PDF, 728 KB]. The general principle of reuse can be subject to conditions which may be specified in individual copyright notices. Therefore, users are advised to refer to the copyright notices on individual websites maintained under Europa and in individual documents. Reuse is not applicable to documents subject to intellectual property rights of third parties.
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OpenCases: Catalogue of mini cases on open education in Europe
Lazetic, Predrag; Souto-Otero, Manuel; Shields, Robin; dos Santos, Andreia Inamorato; et al.
This catalogue contains 50 mini cases that highlight the practices of universities and educational institutions around open education in Europe. It showcases the different strategies followed by institutions that are ...
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Opening up education: A support framework for higher education institutions
dos Santos, Andreia Inamorato; Punie, Yves; Muñoz, Jonatan Castaño
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MOOCs in Europe: Evidence from pilot surveys with universities and MOOC learners
Muñoz, Jonatan Castaño; Punie, Yves; dos Santos, Andreia Inamorato; JRC-IPTS
Headlines  MOOCs are an important part of non-formal learning for individuals with higher education experience, particularly those who are either unemployed or low earners.  MOOC certificates currently have low ...
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How are higher education institutions dealing with openness? A survey of practices, beliefs, and strategies in five european countries
Muñoz, Jonatan Castaño; Punie, Yves; dos Santos, Andreia Inamorato; Mitic, Marija; Morais, Rita
Open Education is on the agenda of half of the surveyed Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in France, Germany, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom. For the other half of HEIs, Open Education does not seem to be an ...
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Validation of non-formal MOOC-based learning: An analysis of assessment and recognition practices in Europe (OpenCred)
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The final report of MOOCs4inclusion, designed and financed by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission, summarises the research conducted for a five-month study (July-December 2016) on the efficiency and ...
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Open Education: Introduction to selected papers
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MOOCs in Europe: Overview of papers representing a collective European response on MOOCs as presented during the HOME conference in Rome November 2015
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