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The potential contribution of open educational resources to e-learning and distance education
Arinto, Patricia

PublishedMarch 2016
Type of workslides
Publisher3rd e-Learning and Distance Education Conference Lahore, Pakistan

RefereedDoes not apply
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OER and OEP in the Global South: Implications and recommendations for social inclusion
Arinto, Patricia; Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Trotter, Henry; Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Arinto, Patricia B.
The Research on Open Educational Resources for Development (ROER4D) project was undertaken to provide a better understanding of the uptake of Open Educational Resources (OER) and their impact on education in the Global ...
Match: arinto, patricia; global south

Factors influencing open educational practices and OER in the Global South: Meta-synthesis of the ROER4D project
Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Arinto, Patricia; Cartmill, Tess; King, Thomas; et al.
This chapter provides a meta-synthesis of the findings from the Research on Open Educational Resources for Development (ROER4D) empirical studies based on the 13 sub-project chapters in this volume as well as other ...
Match: arinto, patricia; global south

Research on open educational resources for development in the Global South: Project landscape
Arinto, Patricia; Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; King, Thomas; Cartmill, Tess; et al.
The Research on Open Educational Resources for Development (ROER4D) project was proposed to investigate in what ways and under what circumstances the adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER) could address the ...
Match: arinto, patricia; global south

Issues and challenges in open and distance e-Learning: Perspectives from the Philippines
Arinto, Patricia; McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
Rapid advances in information and communications technology in the digital age have brought about significant changes in the practice of distance education (DE) worldwide. DE practitioners in the Philippines’ open ...
Match: arinto, patricia

Asia regional consultation for the 2nd World OER Congress
Arinto, Patricia; Green, Cable; Wiley, David; Jermol, Mitja; et al.
The Commonwealth of Learning is holding six Regional Consultations in the lead up to the 2nd World Open Educational Resources (OER) Congress, which is scheduled to be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 18 to 20 September ...
Match: arinto, patricia

A framework for developing competencies in open and distance e-learning
Arinto, Patricia; McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
Many open universities and distance education institutions have shifted from a predominantly print-based mode of delivery to an online mode characterised by the use of virtual learning environments and various web ...
Match: arinto, patricia

The OER adoption impact calculator, version 1.2
Wiley, David A.
The OER Adoption Impact Calculator helps you understand many of the potential impacts of adopting OER instead of traditionally copyrighted learning materials. The values in the Settings on the left are set to defaults ...
Match: oer adoption; oer impact

Factors shaping lecturers’ adoption of OER at three South African universities
Cox, Glenda; Trotter, Henry
Higher education around the world faces many challenges, including increasing demand for student access to higher education institutions (HEIs), increasing costs for higher education and textbooks, as well as increasing ...
Match: global south; oer adoption

Open science: The citizen's role in and contribution to research
Knack, Anna
The report synthesises the results of an expert consultation on 'citizen science,' which refers to the range of contributions citizens make to scientific research. It investigates definitions of citizen science and ...
Match: contribution

E-learning, online education and open education: A contribution to a theoretical approach
Aires, Luisa
PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE ATTACHMENT ONLY Resumo O presente artigo resulta das reflexões desenvolvidas no âmbito do Observatório da Qualidade do Ensino a Distância e e-Learning sediado na Universidade Aberta e, ainda, da ...
Match: contribution