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Supplementary video lectures and open educational resources in contemporary university mathematics – A study of the effects of an educational web based tool in a course of Multivariable Calculus at KTH
Andersson, Oskar and Dawoud, Stephanie

PublishedJune 2012
Type of workBachelor of Science Thesis
PeriodicalVolume Master of Science in Engineering - Media Technology, Pages 1-49
InstitutionKTH Royal Institute of Technology: School of Computer Science and Communication
AdvisorHedin, Björn
CountrySweden, Europe

Abstract [en]
Several universities have begun approaching the Internet as yet another channel in education. Meanwhile, students at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm are struggling with mathematics at a university level. As a nation known for its vivid Internet activity, perhaps the new, connected generations’ attitude towards traditional learning has swayed in favor for new, web based educational approaches? Personal experiences suggest that that is the case - students at KTH are already complementing traditional studies in mathematics with online lectures from MIT and Khan Academy among others.

This report examined if and how open educational resources could assist in learning mathematics online at a university level. For this purpose, a web page was developed where relevant online material were collected as a complement to traditional education. The usage of this web page was thereafter analyzed in conjunction with questionnaire answers and interviews in order to answer the following question:

“What effect do web based video lectures, as a complement to mathematics education at KTH, have on the students’ results and attitudes?”

The report concludes that both more quantitative and qualitative data is needed in order to decide if web based lectures affect the result of the students in the study group. Despite this outcome, qualitative data indicate a positive effect on the student’s mindset in mathematics, with increased confidence and comfort, and ultimately; a more positive attitude towards studies in mathematics.

Abstract [sv]
Flera universitet har pÄ senare Är börjat betrakta Internet som en extra kanal i undervisningen. Under tiden kÀmpar KTH studenter med matematiken pÄ universitetsnivÄ. Som en nation kÀnd för sin aktiva internetanvÀndning, kanske den nya, tillgÀngliga generationens attityd mot traditionell undervisning har skiftat i fördel för nya, webbaserade utbildningsverktyg? Personliga erfarenheter visar att sÄ Àr fallet - studenter pÄ KTH kompletterar redan traditionell undervisning i matematik med online-förelÀsningar frÄn bland annat MIT och Khan Academy.

Det hÀr arbetet undersökte möjligheten för webbresurser att stödja matematikstudier pÄ högskolenivÄ. För att undersöka detta utvecklades en hemsida dÀr relevant onlinematerial samlades som komplement till traditionell undervisning. AnvÀndandet av denna hemsida analyserades tillsammans med enkÀtsvar och intervjuer för att besvara frÄgan:

“Vilken effekt har webbaserade videoförelĂ€sningar som komplement till matematikundervisningen pĂ„ KTH för studenters resultat och attityd?”

I rapporten dras slutsatsen att bÄde mer kvantitativ och kvalitativ data krÀvs för att avgöra om webbaserade förelÀsningar pÄverkar studenternas resultat i mÄlgruppen. Trots denna slutsats, pÄvisar kvalitativ data en positiv effekt pÄ studenters tankesÀtt, med ökad sjÀlvsÀkerhet och trygghet, och slutligen: en mer positiv attityd gentemot matematikstudier.

Keywords learning styles · literature review · Mathematics · OER research

Published atStockholm
RefereedDoes not apply
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