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State policy recommendations for providing educators access to college- and career-ready open educational resources
Voss, Hans and Achieve Inc. [corporate]

PublisherAchieve, Inc.
CountryUnited States, North America

As states and districts transition to college- and career-ready standards and aligned assessments, the need for high-quality instructional materials is clear. Open Educational Resources (OER) offer a low-cost solution with high potential to assist teachers nationwide in helping students meet the demands of higher standards. More and more developers are choosing to publish their instructional materials as OER as an alternative to publishing with a traditional, all rights reserved copyright. In addition to this advantage, OER support the ability of educators to share and modify instructional materials for classroom use. With the advent of common, college- and career-ready standards in the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), educators can seek out, customize or develop high-quality instructional materials and can share those materials with their peers across districts and state borders. The modern classroom incorporates modular instructional materials from myriad sources.

Keywords alignment (education) · career readiness · college readiness · instructional materials · Open Source technology · shared resources and services · state policy · state standards · textbooks

RightsCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Open textbooks and increased student access and outcomes
Feldstein, Andrew; Martin, Mirta; Hudson, Amy; Warren, Kiara; et al.
This study reports findings from a year-long pilot study during which 991 students in 9 core courses in the Virginia State University School of Business replaced traditional textbooks with openly licensed books and ...
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Open Educational Resources: Cost, collaboration and consideration
Hamilton, Elizabeth
This paper attempts to examine the use of Open Educational Resources in both higher education and K-12 levels in the United States. Benefits of OER are explored, as are considerations education administrators must give ...
Match: instructional materials; United States; North America

2016 Florida student textbook & course materials survey
Donaldson, Robin L.; Shen, E.
This is the final version of the 2016 Student Textbook and Course Materials Survey. in 2016, the Office of Distance Learning and Student Services within the statewide Florida Virtual Campus conducted a Student Textbook ...
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Effects of an Open Educational Resources initiative on students, faculty and instructional designers
Piña, Anthony A.; Moran, Kenneth A.
A research and development project was undertaken to document, analyze and report the effects of implementing a free/open educational resources (OER) initiative within Sullivan University’s College of Business ...
Match: instructional materials; United States; North America

OER state policy playbook
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Meeting The Every Student Succeeds Act’s promise: State policy to support personalized learning
Frost, Dale; Worthen, Maria; Gentz, Susan; Patrick, Susan
Under the new federal K-12 education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), states have a historic opportunity to transform K-12 education toward personalized, student-centered learning. This law represents a ...
Match: state policy; United States; North America

Effects of open textbook adoption on teachers’ open practices
Mason, Stacie; Kimmons, Royce
The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand whether certain theoretical benefits that open educational resources (OER) might have on teacher practice were being realized by a group of secondary teachers ...
Match: textbooks; United States; North America

The open road. Libraries, meet open textbooks.
Clobridge, Abby
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Match: textbooks; United States; North America

College textbooks: Students have greater access to textbook information
Publishers included in GAO's study have disclosed textbook information required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), such as pricing and format options, and made components of bundled materials available ...
Match: textbooks; United States; North America

OER state policy tracker
Open educational resources (OER) has increasingly become a go-to strategy for legislators seeking to make college education more affordable and effective. Nearly half of all U.S. states have considered OER legislation ...
Match: state policy; United States; North America