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Free textbooks gain support among campus tech leaders
Wexler, Ellen

JournalThe Chronicle of Higher Education
Issue 10, Pages 17
PublisherChronicle of Higher Education, Inc.
CountryUnited States, North America

COLLEGE TECHNOLOGY officials appear more optimistic these days about open-source textbooks and open educational resources –teaching and learning materials that can be used at no cost. According to the latest [...]

Keywords educational technology – surveys · information technology workers – surveys · technology in education · United States

RightsCopyright 2015 Chronicle of Higher Education, Inc.
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Affordable textbooks: A policy guide
Senack, Ethan; The Student Public Interest Research Groups; U.S. PIRG Education Fund
The purpose of this guide is to provide policy guidance to thought-leaders and decision-makers from all levels of institutions and government – from individual campuses considering policies that support open textbook ...
Match: textbooks; united states; north america

College textbooks made more accessible through Netflix-like subscription
Roddy, Kate
Through a new subscription service, students are given unlimited access to over 20,000 online resources.
Match: textbooks; united states; north america

The investigation into the rising cost of textbooks: A background study of the context of Michigan initiatives with an eye toward launching a library-based college textbook publishing program
Nicholls, Natsuko Hayashi
In this report we investigate the facts concerning the rapidly rising cost of college textbooks. The lack of textbook affordability has drawn increased nationwide attention over the last decade. To identify the reason ...
Match: textbooks; united states; north america

Open access textbook task force final report
Open Acess Textbooks Task Force
This report is divided into two sections. Section 1 provides foundational information to understand open access textbooks – a brief chronological history, a definition of relevant terms, and an expanded rationale for ...
Match: textbooks; united states; north america

Open-access textbooks and financial sustainability: A case study on flat world knowledge
Hilton, John Levi; Wiley, David A.
Many college students and their families are concerned about the high costs of textbooks. A company called Flat World Knowledge both gives away and sells open-source textbooks in a way it believes to be financially ...
Match: textbooks; north america

A preliminary examination of the cost savings and learning impacts of using open textbooks in middle and high school science classes
Wiley, David A.; Hilton, John; Ellington, Shelley; Hall, Tiffany; et al.
Proponents of open educational resources claim that significant cost savings are possible when open textbooks displace traditional textbooks in the classroom. Over a period of two years, we worked with 20 middle and ...
Match: textbooks

Investigating the perceptions, use, and impact of open textbooks: A survey of post-secondary students in British Columbia
Jhangiani, Rajiv; Jhangiani, Surita
Unrelenting increases in the price of college textbooks have prompted the development and adoption of open textbooks, educational resources that are openly licensed and available to students free of cost. Although ...
Match: textbooks; north america

College textbooks: Students have greater access to textbook information
Government Accountability Office
Why GAO Did This Study The rising costs of postsecondary education present challenges to maintaining college affordability. Textbooks are an important factor students need to consider when calculating the overall cost ...
Match: textbooks

Examining the reuse of open textbooks
Hilton, John Levi; Wiley, David A.; Lutz, Neil
An important element of open educational resources (OER) is the permission to use the materials in new ways, including revising and remixing them. Prior research has shown that the revision and remix rates for OER are ...
Match: textbooks

Faculty and students’ perceptions of Open Educational Resources vs. traditional textbooks
Wagner, Karen Marie
This cross-sectional mixed-methods research study focused on the rising cost of textbooks and the availability and cost effectiveness of modern instructional support, such as open educational resources (OER) and open ...
Match: textbooks; united states; north america