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College textbooks: Students have greater access to textbook information
Government Accountability Office [corporate]

PublishedJune 2013
Type of workReport to Congressional Committees
PeriodicalPages 1-33
PublisherUnited States Government Accountability Office

Why GAO Did This Study

The rising costs of postsecondary education present challenges to maintaining college affordability. Textbooks are an important factor students need to consider when calculating the overall cost of attending college. In an effort to ensure that faculty and students have sufficient information about textbooks, Congress included requirements in HEOA concerning publisher and school disclosures, as well as publisher provision of individual course materials. HEOA directed GAO to examine the implementation of the new textbook provisions.

This report addresses (1) the efforts publishers have made to provide textbook information to faculty and make bundled materials available for sale individually, and how these practices have informed faculty selection of course materials; and (2) the extent to which postsecondary schools have provided students and college bookstores access to textbook information, and what the resulting costs and benefits have been. To conduct this study, GAO interviewed eight publishers representing over 85 percent of new U.S. higher education textbook sales, administrators at seven schools, four campus bookstores, two national campus retailers, faculty and student groups at three schools, and others with relevant expertise. GAO also reviewed websites of a nationally representative sample of schools, complaint data from Education, and relevant federal laws.

GAO makes no recommendations in this report. The Department of Education provided technical comments, which were incorporated as appropriate.

Keywords government policy · higher education · OER costs · OER course materials · OER study · OER textbooks · online textbooks · textbook fees

Published atWashington, DC
Other numberGAO-13-368, GAO-13-368
RefereedDoes not apply
RightsThis is a work of the U.S. government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. The published product may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety without further permission from GAO. However, because this work may contain copyrighted images or other material, permission from the copyright holder may be necessary if you wish to reproduce this material separately.
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