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Exploring OER: Internet information literacy, problem solving and analogical thinking
Ferranti, Cinzia

PublishedDecember 2011
JournalEuropean Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning
Issue Special Issue: Creativity and Open Educational Resources (OER), Pages 1-8

In adult learning education contexts, the Internet Information Literacy (IIL) process comprises not only of fundraising for its immediate use, but in particular conditions it also requires to “shed light” on a problematic condition using open educational resources (OER) that incorporate analogical thinking into professional problem solving. This paper presents a model to apply analogy in problem solving (PS). Based on studies, on experimental evidence found in specific literature, and on empirical data obtained from a case study, the model focuses on the awareness level that professional adults engaged in learning activities have in applying this thinking process. Their use of the web and of OER serves multiple purposes: for self-guided training, to plan educational activities, to solve problems or to express their creativity. Field experience conducted during three annual editions of teaching IIL in the specialisation course Social software and Web 2.0 for didactics and education highlighted the importance of setting up online, problem oriented activities which focus on analogical thinking and a creative use of OER.

Keywords analogical thinking · analogy retrieval. · creativity · information retrieval · Internet Information Literacy · Open Educational Resources · problem solving

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