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Case study: Open Educational Resources in information literacy
Borjesson, Anne · Forsberg, Asa · Malpica, F. [secondary] · Tremante, A. [secondary] · Welsch, F. [secondary] · Tait, B. [secondary]

Type of workProceedings Paper
ConferenceIMSCI `08: 2nd International multi-conference on society, cybernetics and informatics, vol 1, proceedings
PublisherInt Inst Informat & System

During 2007 the Lund University Libraries (LUB) administered a project to develop open educational resources (OER) in information literacy. The OERs that were developed treat different aspects of information literacy, such as source evaluation and search methods, and are intended for use by teaching librarians as well as academic teachers. A supplementary aim of the project was to provide librarians with an opportunity for competence development.
This presentation will focus on the reasons behind the project as well as on the use of the OERs as an aid for the university’s teaching staff. Describing a work in progress, the presentation will not provide firm conclusions but instead offer the outline of a strategy for information literacy teaching and training.

Keywords information literacy · information technology · libraries

Published at14269 Lord Barclay Dr., Orlando, FL 32837 USA
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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