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Three contributions of MOOCs
Waks, Leonard J.

PublishedOctober 2016
Book titleThe Evolution and Evaluation of Massive Open Online Courses: MOOCs in Motion
Chapter 6, Pages 103-120
SeriesThe Cultural and Social Foundations of Education
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan US
CountryUnited States, North America

MOOCs can add value to higher education in three ways. First, MOOCs can benefit students and their families by improving the 'value proposition' of the investment in higher education. Second, MOOCs can help colleges and universities cut costs and generate additional revenues, and thus improve their financial condition. Third, MOOCs contribute to the shift from the conventional paradigm of higher education to a 'Higher Education 2.0' paradigm where outside-the-system learning, documented by badges, certificates and nano-diplomas, and other verifiable experiences are packaged in searchable digital portfolios. Higher Education 2.0 offers a revolutionary pathway to employment that augments or even bypasses conventional universities and their associated costs – and MOOCs can play a significant role in this higher education revolution.

Keywords rate of return · university revenues · value proposition

Published atNew York
RefereedDoes not apply
Rights© The Author(s) 2016
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The primary educational value of MOOCs
Waks, Leonard J.
The New York Times declared 2012 'The Year of the MOOC'; 2013 was the year of the rebound – when criticisms mounted and the MOOC hype balloon burst. Critics claimed that MOOCs were worthless both in narrowly ...
Match: Waks, Leonard J.; United States; North America

What are MOOCs?
Waks, Leonard J.
The large MOOC platforms were introduced against the background of the occupational and educational crises after 2008. The first Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, were introduced in 2007 and entered the higher ...
Match: Waks, Leonard J.; United States; North America

The economic crisis and the rise of MOOCs
Waks, Leonard J.
When the major MOOC platforms were established in 2012, the economy and higher education were in crisis as a result of the 2008 financial collapse. Also, due to the long-term shift from industrial to information ...
Match: Waks, Leonard J.; United States; North America

MOOCs and educational value
Waks, Leonard J.
The term 'educational value' may be used to refer to several distinct kinds of value, which fit together in a complex pattern. This chapter reviews the most important kinds of value and then constructs a conception of ...
Match: Waks, Leonard J.; United States; North America

MOOCs and career qualifications
Waks, Leonard J.
Higher education offers 'secondary educational benefits' – credits and diplomas – which serve as job and career qualifications providing access to advantageous careers and social positions. Critics argue that MOOCs ...
Match: Waks, Leonard J.; United States; North America

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Free textbooks gain support among campus tech leaders
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