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MOOCs as a new technology: approaches to normalising the MOOC experience for our learners
Bax, Stephen

PublishedJune 2018
Book titleFlipping the blend through MOOCs, MALL and OIL – new directions in CALL
Volume 26, Chapter 2, Pages 9-16
Type of workPaper posthumously transcribed by Marina Orsini-Jones
EditorsOrsini-Jones, Marina and Smith, Simon
CountryUnited Kingdom, Europe

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are currently in favour as a mechanism for ‘delivering education’ on a massive scale, including language education. However, when viewed as a new educational ‘technology’, they have arguably not yet reached the stage of normalisation (Bax, 2003) at which they might be most productive. This paper examines the current landscape with regard to language learning MOOCs, drawing on a number of successful Open University projects in Spanish and Italian. It looks critically at where MOOCs seem to be potentially most valuable, and also at aspects of the experience which seem to have impeded normalisation. The paper will conclude by looking at how language MOOCs might develop in the years ahead.

Keywords CALL · language learning · LMOOCs · MOOCs · normalisation · research · Spanish

RightsAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)This article is published under the Attribution (CC BY) licence. The CC BY licence lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon authors’ work, even commercially, as long as they credit authors for the original creation.
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