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International partnerships in developing and deploying health open educational resources
Luo, Airong · Fons, Garin · Ng'ambi, Dick · Doyle, Gregory · Cleveland, Ana

PublishedNovember 2010
JournalProceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
Volume 46, Issue 1, Pages 1-5

Lack of training opportunities for new and practicing health care professionals constitutes a major barrier to patient care in many developing countries. Open Educational Resources (OER) hold the potential to provide more training materials and alternative learning opportunities for health professionals. OER are teaching and learning materials made freely and openly available for students, faculty, and self learners around the world. OER is not an online distance learning program. The focus of OER is on scaling up teaching and learning capacity in partner institutions by co-creating new learning materials and converting existing materials into OER.

The context for which OER content is produced is often different from the contexts in which it is used. Thus, one of the major challenges of OER is to understand how to create a sustainable OER model to ensure that OER production and use fit different learning and teaching environments. The panel will share their perspectives on the following issues:

How are different types of OER created and packaged for delivery and use?

What are the challenges brought about by different contexts of knowledge creation and use?

How do we design new tools and leverage the existing tools (Sakai course management system, Adobe Connect and similar web conferencing systems, OpenCast and lecture capture systems) to facilitate the creation and use of knowledge?

How can we produce sustainable models of OER creation and use?

RightsCopyright © 2009 American Society for Information Science and Technology
Other informationProc. Am. Soc. Info. Sci. Tech.
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