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Guidelines on the development of open educational resources policies
Miao, Fengchun · Mishra, Sanjaya · Orr, Dominic · Janssen, Ben

PublishedOctober 2019
Type of workGuidelines
PeriodicalPages 1-118
PublisherUNESCO, Commonwealth of Learning
EditorsMiao, Fengchun and Mishra, Sanjaya
CountryFrance, Canada

The publication provides guidelines and a systematic approach to develop and implement open educational resources policies in different contexts to achieve the targets of Sustainable Development Goals 4. Using a six-stage approach, the guidelines provide several templates and questions along with theoretical underpinnings and practical examples to help government officials and experts develop policies that are grounded on the needs of the stakeholders.

Keywords open educational resources · OER · policies · OER development · guideline

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