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Development of a scale to measure faculty attitude towards Open Educational Resources
Mishra, Sanjaya · Sharma, Meenu · Sharma, Ramesh · Singh, Alka · Thakur, Atul

PublishedMarch 2016
JournalOpen Praxis
Volume 8, Pages 55-69

This paper describes the entire methodology for the development of a scale to measure Attitude towards Open Educational Resources (ATOER). Traditionally, it is observed that some teachers are more willing to share their work than others, indicating the need to understand teachers’ psychological and behavioural determinants that influence use of OER. The paper presents the methodological rigour in the development of the 17 items two-factor scale that is valid and reliable to measure attitude towards OER. The psychometric properties of the scale include: Content Validity Ratio=0.9 and Cronbach α=0.897 with strong inter-items correlation. The two-factors attitude construct in the scale was also subjected to a good model fit using Structural Equation Modelling, which revealed a mediocre fit with 0.8 Root Mean Square Error Approximation value and the chi-square to degree of freedom ratio below 3. We also discuss the significance of the scale and how to use it with other variables effectively in different contexts to help develop appropriate strategies for promoting the use of OER in educational institutions.

Keywords ATOER scale · attitudes · faculty · Open Educational Resources · psychological measures

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