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Higher education faculty attitude, motivation and perception of quality and barriers towards OER in India
Mishra, Sanjaya and Singh, Alka

PublishedOctober 2017
PeriodicalChapter 12, Pages 1-34
PublisherAfrican Minds, ROER4D
EditorsHodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl and Arinto, Patricia B.
CountryIndia, Asia

The premise of this study is that teachers’ conceptions of the quality of Open Educational Resources (OER) and their attitudes and motivations towards using OER will influence whether and how they use and/or contribute open resources. Understanding teachers’
attitudes, motivations and barriers to OER use and comparing data across institutions may help to identify the issues that influence OER uptake in India. This chapter attempts to answer the following four research questions: How are teachers’ attitudes towards OER situated in the context of teaching and learning? What are teachers’ motivations for using OER and sharing their work as OER?How do teachers perceive the quality of OER? What barriers to using OER do teachers perceive?

Keywords learning materials · motivation · OER

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