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OER at scale: The academic and economic outcomes of Achieving the Dream’s OER Degree Initiative
Griffiths, Rebecca · Mislevy, Jessica · Wang, Sam · Shear, Linda · Ball, Alexandra · Desrochers, Donna

Published20 February 2020
SeriesAchieving the Dream
PublisherSRI International
CountryUnited States, North America

The research and evaluation of ATD’s OER Degree Initiative provided encouraging evidence regarding the academic outcomes of students who enrolled in multiple OER courses, the economic impacts for both students and institutions, and the experiences of key stakeholders. Students benefitted from unrestricted access to course content and improved course experiences, in addition to saving money that could be used towards other educational or personal expenses.

Overall, the OER Degree Initiative offers an important demonstration of the opportunity, the task, and the challenges of a systemic approach to OER.

Keywords culture of evidence and inquiry · equity · institutional change · knowledge sharing · open educational resources · OER · scaling change · student-centered supports · teaching and learning

Published atMenlo Park, CA
RightsCC BY
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