Accreditation of prior learning as a lever for lifelong learning: Lessons learnt from the New Opportunities Initiative, Portugal
Carneiro, Roberto · Mendonça, Maria Amélia · Carneiro, Maria Ana · Valente, Ana Cláudia · de Carvalho, Lourenço Xavier · de Carvalho, André Xavier · Lopes, Henrique · Liz, Carlos · Machado, Mariana · Rocha, Jorge Portugal · Melo, Rodrigo Queiroz E. · Reis, Sofia · van den Dungen, Marja · Tiana, Alejandro · Dondi, Claudio · Cullen, Joe · Kastis, Nikitas · Kugemann, Walter · Nascimbeni, Fabio · UNESCO [corporate] · MENON Network [corporate] · CEPCEP – Centro de Estudos dos Povos e Culturas de Expressão Portuguesa Universidade Católica Portuguesa [corporate]
Published | 2011 |
Periodical | Pages 1-378 |
Publisher | Publito – Estúdio de Artes Gráficas Lda. |
Editor | Carneiro, Roberto |
Country | Portugal, Europe |
The book gives an account of the research conducted in the independent evaluation of the New Opportunities Initiative (NOI), one of the largest Portuguese governmental programmes in recent decades to upgrade qualifications. The NOI demonstrates that the recognition of non-formal and informal learning is crucial in order to improve the competences needed in our societies today. This book reflects on the NOI and its potential for societies in Europe and the rest of the world.The publication is based on a solid foundation of empirical evidence, encompassing seven papers subjected to an extensive academic peer review procedure.
The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, together with its partners in this publication, MENON and the Study Centre on Peoples and Cultures of the Portuguese Catholic University (CEPCEP), hopes that discussions on the NOI research papers will help to shed light on a reform agenda that is of the greatest urgency in our continuing and lifelong learning systems.
Published at | Palmeira BRAGA (Portugal) |
Language | en |
ISBN | 978-972-9045-29-5 |
Rights | © CEPCEP |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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Formalising informal learning: Assessment and accreditation challenges within disaggregated systems
McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne; Murphy, Angela; Witthaus, Gabi; Mackintosh, Wayne
This report shares the findings and lessons learned from an investigation into the economics of disaggregated models for assessing and accrediting informal learners undertaking post secondary education. It presents some ...
Match: accreditation; recognition of prior learning
Open educational resources in Italy: Connecting the macro, meso and micro levels, towards a national OER ecosystem
Nascimbeni, Fabio
The chapter presents a snapshot of the state of the art of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Italy. It starts from the macro public policy level, noting that OER are part of the national school policy, to the advocacy ...
Match: nascimbeni, fabio; public policy; europe
Enhance teaching and learning of less used languages through OER/OEP: Working Policy Paper: OER-Challenges and opportunities for less used languages. A global and European perspective
Udnaes, Monique; International Council for Open and Distance Education
In order to formulate policy recommendations for the uptake of Open Educational Resources (OER) in less used languages (LUL) targeting governments and senior policy makers in the educational sector, ICDE first ...
Match: opportunities
Oportunidades de investigación en innovación educativa en la era de los MOOCs y el learning analytics
Alario-Hoyos, Carlos
Los MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses – Cursos en Línea Masivos Abiertos) han supuesto una revolución importante en educación, especialmente en educación superior, y han servido como catalizador para que las ...
Match: opportunities; educational innovation
Guidelines for quality assurance and accreditation of MOOCs
Commonwealth of Learning
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have emerged as an educational innovation with the potential to increase access to and improve the quality of education. Different stakeholders in education view MOOCs from different ...
Match: accreditation
Open educational resources (OER): Opportunities and challenges for Indian higher education
Dutta, Indrajeet
Creation of knowledge workers holds key for success of a country. Unfortunately, many of the countries though having chain of human resources yet are unable to transform human resources to their advantage as they face ...
Match: opportunities
Report on the assessment and accreditation of learners using OER
Conrad, Dianne; Mackintosh, Wayne; McGreal, Rory; Murphy, Angela; Witthaus, Gabi
This report shares the findings and lessons learned from an investigation into the economics of disaggregated models for assessing and accrediting informal learners, with particular attention to the OER University ...
Match: accreditation
Opportunities and threats of the MOOC movement for higher education: The European perspective
Schuwer, Robert; Jaurena, Ines Gil; Aydin, Cengiz Hakan; Costello, Eamon; et al.
The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) movement is the latest ‘big thing’ in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) which threatens to transform Higher Education. Both opportunities and threats are extensively discussed in ...
Match: opportunities; europe
Research opportunities for educational innovation in the era of MOOCs and learning analytics
Alario-Hoyos, Carlos
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) have been a major revolution in education, especially in higher education, and have served as a catalyst for educational institutions to reflect (beyond the discussion of whether or ...
Match: opportunities; self-regulation
Special report on the role of open educational resources in supporting the sustainable development goal 4: Quality education challenges and opportunities
McGreal, Rory
Match: opportunities