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Distance Higher Education and MOOCs in China
Li, Xiaobin

Published1 August 2019
JournalAsian Journal of Distance Education
Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages 7-20
CountryChina, Asia

China has the largest higher education system in the world. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the literature on distance higher education, including MOOCs, development in China, its accompanying practices, challenges, and opportunities. The study also offers recommendations derived from the literature on how to make distance higher education benefit more Chinese. This study is mainly a literature review and the related discussion. I conducted a review of Chinese literature on distance higher education and MOOCs. I also reviewed well-known English international journals for articles on distance higher education and MOOCs in China. In addition, I reviewed the relevant information available at the website of the Chinese Ministry of Education. The study summarizes all the literature reviewed and concludes with a note on the probable direction of the future development of Chinese distance higher education, particularly MOOCs.

Keywords distance higher education · MOOC · China

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