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Awareness towards Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and their usage for Teacher Education in India
Singh, Gaurav and Chauhan, Rashmi

Published1 January 2017
JournalAsian Journal of Distance Education
Volume 12, Issue 2, Pages 81-88
CountryIndia, Asia

Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system has changing fast with technological advancements and interventions. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have emerged as game changers as they are flexible in time and place as well as are mostly free and non credit granting. Though MOOC has gain momentum worldwide but MOOCs in India are in its primary stage. University Grant Commission (UGC) in India has also notified in 2017 that MOOC courses are to be offered through SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active –Learning for Young Aspiring Minds). MOOCs can be used for pre-service training as well as a very effective tool for in-service professional development. In such emerging scenario, researchers have explored the awareness among teacher educators about use of MOOCs in teacher education. Awareness towards MOOCs among 156 teacher educators was studied under subcategories like awareness about the concept, usability, technology, current practices and the policy guidelines. This study has revealed that teacher educators are having basic idea about MOOCs, their strength, mode of offering the course and benefits. There is confusion regarding the role of the MOOCs for teacher training. There is still a lack of understanding about Indian MOOC initiatives like SWAYAM. Study concluded that there is an emergent need not only to develop proper understanding about MOOCs among teacher educators, but also to provide them facilities to develop and integrate MOOCs in their regular classroom practices. Future for MOOCs in India is bright.

Keywords MOOC · teacher education · SWAYAM · awareness

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