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Academic Librarians Examination of University Students' and Faculty's Perceptions of Open Educational Resources
Fischer, Lane · Belikov, Olga · Ikahihifo, Tarah K. · Hilton III, John · Wiley, David · Martin, M. Troy

PublishedSeptember 2020
JournalOpen Praxis
Volume 12, Issue 3, Pages 399-415
CountryUnited States, North America

A survey of 2,574 students and 1,157 faculty members across ten institutions of postsecondary education in the state of Utah was conducted by the Utah Academic Libraries Consortium. Survey items were created to understand the influence of textbook costs on student academic behavior and the viability of faculty adopting open educational resources (OER) as a solution to the cost of textbooks and the possible need for librarian support of OER. Two-year and four-year institutions were compared to identify differences that might exist between them. Most students felt that their academic success was negatively impacted by textbook cost, particularly at two-year institutions where students registered for fewer courses because of associated textbook costs. Faculty survey findings showed that adjunct professors were more likely to require a traditionally copyright-restricted textbook. Approximately 90% of participants indicated they would be willing to use suitable OER for their course, and almost half of survey participants expressed a desire for help finding these resources.

Keywords open educational resources · OER · textbooks · higher education · librarians

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